누구나 아는 장조림!! 나도 해볼레요~

BY 라라라소피 조회 : 2,038


좋은 고기 (양지머리), 삶은 계란, 무, 간장, 진미린, 설탕, 참기름, 물엿, 마늘



Ingredients: Brisket, garlic, hard boiled eggs, radish chunks
Marinade sauce: soy sauce, water, dark mirin, sugar, sesame oil, corn syrup
재료: 양지머리, 마늘, 삶은달걀, 무우
소스: 간장 1컵, 물 1컵, 진미린 1Tbsp, 설탕 2Tbsp, 참기름 1/2 Tbsp, 물엿 1Tbsp
ソース醤油1カップ、水1カップ、珍味リン1Tbsp、砂糖2Tbsp、ごま油1/2 Tbsp、水飴1Tbsp

Cook ethe meat and garlic without any cooking oil

When some water from the meat comes out, add the sauce and all toppings

Marinade in high heat

Later, reduce the heat to low and simmer the sauce.
Make sure the egg has the color of the sauce sauce. Enjoy :)

I also made Korean Chicken braised as a main dish.
Everybody enjoyed my dish today and I was happy that I only spent less than $30 to feed 4 men!
  • 개망초2021-03-12
    무가 들어가네요